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Monday, October 10, 2016

Take a knee? Hail Mary?   BOTH!

I am one of those rare men who doesn't like football. However, in this case a football analogy is in order....... Last night we saw a debate that took place in the election cycle equivalent to the last minute of a football game.

Team Trump is down by 15 points and has the ball. There is one choice, they need two touchdowns AND a conversion. There is only one choice, a "hail Mary" pass, an onside kick and repeat, trying to get in the end zone three times.

Team Clinton is up by 15 points and has the ball. Do they hand off the ball or pass it, risking an interception or fumble, or take the safest way and have the quarterback take a knee, run out the clock and win? Not particularly entertaining, but certainly the safest way to insure victory.

Hillary took a knee and the "hail Mary" worked, at least well enough to stop Trump's bleeding. Hillary still won the debate as far as debates are scored and Democrats are pleased. But also, now the Republican base is excited and the leadership has a choice: do they ignore the sexual assault tape and the ones that are coming, endorse their nominee and by proxy sexual assault on their wives and daughters? Do they endorse banning a religion from the world's beacon of freedom, deport 15 million people who WANT to be Americans and are doing jobs many Americans won't do, etc., etc., etc........... or do they plan to fundamentally change their party so that in 2020 they have a relevant candidate America can be proud of and the world can look up to?

The same can be said for the Democrats. But their candidate is not a danger to the world, is a professional politician, like those that lead the rest of the world and someone who understands how we must interact with the world.

Suddenly, my generation is losing it's relevance, our two main Presidential candidates are "baby-boomers". We all remember when that meant we were young, fresh, engaged and out to change the world. It was a GREAT time to be us! But that was in the '60's & '70's. Now WE are the ones who want you to "ask us about our grandchildren", listen to 40 year old music, take fiber supplements, Viagra and search for more effective pain relievers.

Our "baby-boomer" candidates are the oldest ever to run for president. Jimmy Hendrix is further away from us, than Jimmy Dorsey was to the "Greatest Generation". This election is the end of OUR relevance. Gen "X" & "Y" will outnumber the "baby boomers" for the first time and from now on. BUT the "new guard's" rise will also mean the end of such thinking as women as objects, Blacks as shoe-shine boys & domestics, Mexicans as stoop laborers, Asians as enemies, Muslims as odd & inconsequential misguided pagans, oil & coal as the way to power the world and of treating the world and Her gifts to us as infinite.

Our replacements, those who will stand for the next election cycle "get" this. BUT THIS CYCLE, our last, must be used to pass on what remains of this great Nation to them to nurture and move forward. We cannot do this with a President who gets lucky with a "hail Mary". We need one whose understanding of the game allows her to "take a knee"!

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